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文章作者:都阳 陆旸  发布时间:2010-12-29 18:46:50


关键词:节能减排; 经济增长; “碳预算”方案; 省级区域


Making Mitigation and Economic Growth Compatible : An Inter-regional Carbon Budget Analytical Framework

Abstract : The mitigation has become the focus of world economic development1 However ,in the process of indust rialization , developing count ries are still lack of practical experience on how to coordinate the relationship among industrial structure , economic growth and global climate change. China has made commitments to the world on“intensity mitigation”,but we have not found an effective way to mitigate at current technical level. Therefore , the key issues need to be resolved for China is how to allocate emission quotas among provincial regions to achieve balance between mitigation and economic growt h1We int roduce the Carbon Budget method into interregional analytical framework and calculate all provinces' CO2 emissions from the year 1997 to 2007. The paper takes into account the historical aggregate emissions and calculates provincesp carbon emission quotas in different scenario , and then allocates Chinaps overall emission quotas into different provincial regions in terms of certain criterion , thus Chinaps mitigation will become more clear and operational through price mechanism in carbon market.

Keywords : mitigation ; economic growth ; carbon budget scheme ; provincial regions
