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文章作者:蔡昉  发布时间:2010-07-18 15:32:45










专题报告一 2009年农民工监测调查报告…………………………国家统计局农村司/001

  一 农民工总体规模………………………………………………………………………002

  二 外出农民工流向及就业地域分布……………………………………………………003

  三 外出农民工基本特征…………………………………………………………………005

  四 农民工外出务工收入及居住情况……………………………………………………006

  五 外出农民工权益保障情况……………………………………………………………008

  六 小结……………………………………………………………………………………010

专题报告二 农村劳动力外出就业的特点及变化………………………武志刚 张恒春/012

  一 外出就业劳动力总量持续增加………………………………………………………012

  二 外出就业劳动力的教育与人口特征…………………………………………………015

  三 外出就业劳动力的区域特征…………………………………………………………016

  四 外出就业劳动力的行业分布…………………………………………………………018

  五 外出就业劳动力的就业时间…………………………………………………………020

  六 务工收入及其对增收的贡献…………………………………………………………020

专题报告三 2010年企业春季用工需求和2009年农村外出务工人员


  一 2009年企业用工和招工情况………………………………………………………023

  二 2009年农村外出务工人员就业情况………………………………………………027

  三 2010年企业春季用工需求与农村外出务工人员就业预期………………………030

专题报告四 第5次农民工问题监测报告 …………………中国人民银行调查统计司/035

  一 农民工群体特征及其变化……………………………………………………………035

  二 反映就业困难的农民工减少,对未来就业形势预期良好…………………………039

  三 农民工收入及家庭支出情况…………………………………………………………040

  四 农村金融服务及土地流转政策………………………………………………………044

  五 相关建议和思考………………………………………………………………………046



第一章 “十二五”时期人口变化及未来人口发展趋势预测

    …………………………………………………………胡 英 蔡 昉 都 阳/048

  一 引言……………………………………………………………………………………048

  二 人口预测方法和预测参数的确定……………………………………………………049

  三 人口数量变化趋势预测………………………………………………………………055

  四 人口年龄结构变化趋势………………………………………………………………070

  五 结论……………………………………………………………………………………077

第二章 中国的低生育水平及有关认识问题………………………………………郭志刚/078

  一 中国在1990年代初期进入低生育率新时期………………………………………078

  二 2006年人口调查的生育率飙升系调查偏差所致…………………………………080

  三 在出生漏报和生育率问题上的认识迷茫……………………………………………082

  四 当前生育率研究中的一些认识问题…………………………………………………088

  五 中国低生育水平的其他影响因素……………………………………………………093

  六 长期持续很低生育率会有什么样的人口后果………………………………………095

  七 结语……………………………………………………………………………………097

第三章 中国如何应对金融危机:经济、就业与社会保护的视角

    …………………………………………………………蔡 昉 都 阳 王美艳/100

  一 导言……………………………………………………………………………………100

  二 金融危机的经济影响…………………………………………………………………101

  三 金融危机的社会影响…………………………………………………………………111

  四 应对金融危机的政策措施……………………………………………………………123

  五 主要结论………………………………………………………………………………128

第四章 投资刺激就业的国际经验………………………………………王德文 赵 文/131

  一 投资与就业的关系……………………………………………………………………131

  二 投资带动就业的评估方法……………………………………………………………134

  三 国外解决就业问题的主要做法………………………………………………………138

  四 国外投资带动就业的评估机制………………………………………………………145

第五章 政府投资与就业关系的实证分析………………………………程 杰 王德文/147

  一 政府投资及其效应……………………………………………………………………148

  二 政府投资与就业………………………………………………………………………152

  三 经济刺激计划的就业效应……………………………………………………………158

  四 结论与政策建议………………………………………………………………………161

第六章 成长的烦恼:中国在刘易斯转折期间面临的就业难题…………………蔡 昉/166

  一 引言……………………………………………………………………………………166

  二 现阶段劳动力市场问题的性质………………………………………………………168

  三 转轨时期的失业类型及其变动趋势…………………………………………………171

  四 劳动力市场制度的需求与供给………………………………………………………175

  五 结语与政策含义………………………………………………………………………180

第七章 金融危机对中小企业就业的影响………………………………吴要武 都 阳/183

  一 金融危机影响的性质…………………………………………………………………183

  二 金融危机对中小企业就业影响………………………………………………………187

  三 结构变化:危机后的中小企业发展…………………………………………………196

  四 结论……………………………………………………………………………………203

第八章 企业生产率、职工素质与教育/培训…………………………蔡 昉 曲 玥/204

  一 劳动力总量与劳动力成本……………………………………………………………204

  二 劳动生产率增长及人力资本的回报…………………………………………………207

  三 教育对劳动生产率的拉动……………………………………………………………209

  四 结论和讨论……………………………………………………………………………215

第九章 中国工业重新配置与劳动力流动趋势………………蔡 昉 王美艳 曲 玥/219

  一 前言……………………………………………………………………………………219

  二 中国的大国经济………………………………………………………………………221

  三 刘易斯转折点及其中国特色…………………………………………………………224

  四 政策效应还是比较优势动态?………………………………………………………226

  五 雁阵模式:回归比较优势……………………………………………………………230

  六 总结和政策建议………………………………………………………………………233

第十章 当前中国的城镇人口统计问题及其对经济分析的影响…………………陈金永/236

  一 城市和城镇人口的定义………………………………………………………………237

  二 不同的“城市人口”指标……………………………………………………………239

  三 中国整体的城市化水平达到多少……………………………………………………241

  四 城镇人口的数据对经济分析的影响…………………………………………………243

第十一章 从农民工到市民:中国特色的深度城市化……………………………蔡 昉/248

  一 引言……………………………………………………………………………………248

  二 农民工进城的不可逆转性……………………………………………………………250

  三 “托达罗教条”的终结………………………………………………………………253

  四 公共服务均等化的条件………………………………………………………………256

  五 结语……………………………………………………………………………………260

第十二章 城市化进程中的人口、产业发展与就业……………………都 阳 王美艳/263

  一 城市化进程中的人口分布及其预测…………………………………………………263

  二 城乡经济活动人口与城镇劳动供给…………………………………………………267

  三 城镇劳动力市场的基本状况…………………………………………………………270

  四 工业化进程中的城市产业分布格局…………………………………………………275

  五 城市就业与产业分布…………………………………………………………………279

第十三章 为什么劳动力流动没有缩小城乡收入差距…………………蔡 昉 王美艳/283

  一 引言……………………………………………………………………………………283

  二 劳动力流动和户籍制度改革…………………………………………………………285

  三 现行统计未能覆盖所有收入…………………………………………………………289

  四 重新分解收入差距……………………………………………………………………292

  五 结论……………………………………………………………………………………295

第十四章 节能减排对就业的影响方式与政策选择…………蔡 昉 都 阳 王美艳/298

  一 引言……………………………………………………………………………………298

  二 推动减排的两种路径…………………………………………………………………301

  三 激进减排的就业代价…………………………………………………………………305

  四 瞄准重点行业与地区…………………………………………………………………309

  五 结论与政策建议………………………………………………………………………314



                  Part One

Report 1 A Monitoring Survey Report on Migrant Workers in 2009

     ..... Department of Rural Surveys, National Bureau of Statistics/001

  1. Number of Migrant Workers ........................................./002

  2. Regional Distribution of Migrant Workers ........................../003

  3. The Basic Characteristics of Migrant Workers ....................../005

  4. Income and Housing of Migrant Workers ............................./006

  5. Social Security of Migrant Workers ................................/008

  6. Conclusions ......................................................./010

Report 2 The Characteristics of Migrant workers’Employment

     and Its Changes ..................... Wu Zhigang, Zhang Hengchun/012

  1. The Increasing Number of Migrant Workers ........................../012

  2. The Educational and Demographic Characteristics of Migrant Workers /015

  3. Regional Characteristics of Migrant Workers ......................./016

  4. Sectoral Distribution of Migrant Workers ........................../018

  5. Employment Time of Migrant Workers ................................/020

  6. Income of Migrant Workers and Its Contribution to Growth

    of Rural Income ................................................../020

Report 3 A Survey Report on Labor Demand of Enterprises in Spring 2010

     and on Employment of Migrant Workers in 2009

     .............. Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security ./023

  1. Labor Demand and Recruitment of Enterprises in 2009 .............../023

  2. Employment of Migrant workers in 2009 ............................./027

  3. The Prospect of Labor Demand of Enterprises in Spring 2010

    and of Employment of Migrant Workers ............................./030

Report 4 The Fifth Monitoring Report on Migrant Workers

     .. Department of Survey and Statistics, People’s Bank of China /035

  1. The Characteristics of Migrant Workers and Its Changes ............/035

  2. Decreasing Number of Migrant Workers with Employment Difficulties

    and Good Prospect of Future Employment .........................../039

  3. Income and Household Expenditure of Migrant Workers .............../040

  4. Rural Financial Service and Land Circulation Policy .............../044

  5. Related Suggestions .............................................../046


                  Part Two

Chapter 1 Population Changes in the Twelfth Five-Year Plan Period

      and Projection of Future Population Development Trends

      ............................... Hu Ying, Cai Fang  and Du Yang/048

  1. Introduction ....................................................../048

  2. Method of Population Projection and Determination

    of Projection Parameter ........................................../049

  3. Projection of Trend of Number of Population ......................./055

  4. Changing Trends of Population Age Structure ......................./070

  5. Conclusions ......................................................./077

Chapter 2 Chinas Low Fertility Rate and How to Understand It

      .................................................. Guo Zhigang/078

  1. China Has Reached A New Era of Low Fertility Rate in Early 1990s ../078

  2. The Sharp Increase of Fertility Rate in 2006 Population Survey

    Is Caused by Survey Bias ........................................./080

  3. The Confusions on Under-reported Birth and Fertility Rate ........./082

  4. Some Understanding Issues In Current Studies on Fetility Rate ...../088

  5. Other Factors Affecting China’s Low Fertility Rate .............../093

  6. What Demographic Consequences Will Long-term Low Fertility

    Rate Bring ......................................................./095

  7. Conclusions ......................................................./097

Chapter 3 China’s Response to The Financial Crisis: The Economic,

      Employment and Social Protection Perspectives

      ............................ Cai Fang, Du Yang and Wang Meiyan/100

  1. Introduction ....................................................../100

  2. Economic Impacts of The Financial Crisis ........................../101

  3. Social Impacts of The Financial Crisis ............................/111

  4. Policy Response To The Financial Crisis .........................../123

  5. Main Conclusions ................................................../128

Chapter 4 International Experiences on How Investment

      Stimulates Employment .................. Wang Dewen, Zhao  Wen/131

  1. The Relationship between Investment and Employment ................/131

  2. The Evaluating Methods on How Investment Stimulates Employment ..../134

  3. The Main Methods to Solve Employment Problems

    in Foreign Countries ............................................./138

  4. The Evaluating Mechanisms on How Investment Stimulates

    Employment in Foreign Countries ................................../145

Chapter 5 An Empirical Analysis on The Relationship Between

      Government Investment and Employment

      ........................................ Cheng Jie, Wang Dewen/147

  1. Government Investment and Its Effects ............................./148

  2. Government Investment and Employment ............................../152

  3. The Effects of Economic Stimulus Plan on Employment .............../158

  4. Conclusions and Policy Suggestions ................................/161

Chapter 6 Growing Pains: China’s Employment Difficulties

      during the Period of Lewis Turning Point ............ Cai Fang/166

  1. Introduction ....................................................../166

  2. The Nature of Current Labour Market Problems ....................../168

  3. Unemployment Types and Its Trends during the Transition Period ..../171

  4. Demand and Supply of Labour Market Institutions .................../175

  5. Conclusions and Policy Implications .............................../180

Chapter 7 The Impacts of the Financial Crisis on the Employment

      of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

      ............................................ Wu Yaowu, Du Yang/183

  1. The Nature of the Impacts of the Financial Crisis ................./183

  2. The Impacts of the Financial Crisis on the Employment of Small

    and Medium-sized Enterprises ...................................../187

  3. Structural Change: Development of Small and Medium-sized

    Enterprises after the Financial Crisis .........................../196

  4. Conclusions ......................................................./203

Chapter 8 Enterprises’Productivity, Labor Force Quality and

      Education/Training ......................... Cai Fang, Qu Yue/204

  1. Number of Labor Force and Labor Cost ............................../204

  2. Growth of Labor Productivity and Return to Human Capital ........../207

  3. The Effects of Education on Labor Productivity ..................../209

  4. Conclusions and Discussions ......................................./215

Chapter 9 Industrial and Labor Relocations among Chinese Regions

      ............................. Cai Fang, Wang Meiyan and Qu Yue/219

  1. Introduction ....................................................../219

  2. China as Large Economy ............................................/221

  3. Lewis Turning Point, Chinese Characteristic ......................./224

  4. Policy Effects, or Competitive Advantage Dynamics ................./226

  5. Flying Geese Model: Back to Comparative Advantage ................./230

  6. Conclusions and Policy Suggestions ................................/233

Chapter 10 Current Statistics of Urban Population and Its Impacts

      on Economic Analysis ........................... Kam Wing Chan/236

  1. Definition of Urban Population ..................................../237

  2. Different Indicators of Urban Population ........................../239

  3. What’s China’s Urbanization Rate ................................/241

  4. The Impacts of Urban Population Data on Economic Analysis ........./243

Chapter 11 From Farmers-turned Workers to Migrants-turned

      Residents: Urbanization, Chinese Style .............. Cai Fang/248

  1. Introduction ....................................................../248

  2. Irreversibility of Migrant Workers’Moving to Cities ............../250

  3. The End of “Todaro Dogma” ......................................./253

  4. The Requisite Conditions for Equalizing the Access

    to Public Services .............................................../256

  5. Conclusions ......................................................./260

Chapter 12 Population, Industries’Development and Employment

      during the Process of Urbanization ...... Du Yang, Wang Meiyan/263

  1. Population Distribution and the Projection during the Process

    of Urbanization ................................................../263

  2. Urban and Rural Economically Active Population

    and Urban Labor Supply .........................................../267

  3. The Basic Situation of Urban Labor Market ........................./270

  4. Urban Industrial Distribution during the Process

    of Industrialization ............................................./275

  5. Urban Employment and Industrial Distributions ...................../279

Chapter 13 Has Labor Migration Really Not Narrowed

      the Rural-urban Income Gap? ............ Cai Fang, Wang Meiyan/283

  1. Introduction ....................................................../283

  2. Labor Mobility and Hukou System Reforms .........................../285

  3. Insufficient Statistics on Income in Covering Comparison Groups .../289

  4. Decomposing Income Inequality Based on New Data .................../292

  5. Conclusions ......................................................./295

Chapter 14 Emission Reduction and Its Impact on Employment:

      Trade-offs, Scenarios, and Policy Options

      ............................ Cai Fang, Du Yang and Wang Meiyan/298

  1. Introduction ....................................................../298

  2. Two Paths of Emission Reduction .................................../301

  3. Employment Loss Caused by Shock Path ............................../305

  4. Targeted Industries and Regions .................................../309

  5. Conclusions and Policy Suggestions ................................/314









