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文章作者:  发布时间:2011-08-21 09:59:28



副主编都阳    张展新









                Ⅰ 上  篇
1 专题报告一 新生代农民工的数量、结构和特点 …“新生代农民工研究”课题组/001
  一 新生代农民工的数量和结构…………………………………………………………002
  二 新生代农民工外出从业的特点………………………………………………………007
  三 新生代农民工在外生活状况…………………………………………………………010
  四 新生代农民工面临的主要问题………………………………………………………011
  五 政策建议………………………………………………………………………………016
2 专题报告二 外出就业规模稳步扩大农民工工资持续
  一 农村外出就业劳动力数量继续增加…………………………………………………018
  二 农村外出就业劳动力的人口结构基本稳定…………………………………………019
  三 农村外出就业劳动力跨省就业的比重再度回升……………………………………019
  四 农村外出劳动力就业结构基本稳定…………………………………………………020
  五 农村外出就业劳动力的外出时间与上年持平………………………………………020
  六 农村外出就业劳动力的月收入水平继续提高,但增幅有所回落…………………021
                 Ⅱ 下  篇
3 第一章 “十二五”时期中国经济发展五大挑战 ……………………………蔡昉/023
  一 “未富先老”…………………………………………………………………………024
  二 “梅佐乔诺陷阱”……………………………………………………………………026
  三 “读书无用论”………………………………………………………………………029
  四 “保护依赖症”………………………………………………………………………031
  五 “成长中的烦恼”……………………………………………………………………032
4 第二章 人口转变如何影响未来经济发展 …………………………………   蔡昉/036
  一 引言……………………………………………………………………………………036
  二 刘易斯转折点…………………………………………………………………………039
  三 老龄化挑战……………………………………………………………………………044
  四 政策调整与选择………………………………………………………………………048
  五 结语……………………………………………………………………………………053
5 第三章 中国劳动力市场的新因素 …………………………………蔡昉 王美艳/056
  一 人口转变与农民工代际变化…………………………………………………………057
  二 刘易斯转折点与工资上涨……………………………………………………………062
  三 中国制造业的创造性毁灭……………………………………………………………065
  四 劳动力市场制度建设…………………………………………………………………067
6 第四章 中国的就业总量与就业结构:重新估计与讨论………   都阳 王美艳/070
  一 导言……………………………………………………………………………………070
  二 农业就业总量的高估及重新估计……………………………………………………072
  三 城镇就业的统计偏差及重新估计……………………………………………………075
  四 就业总量及其结构的讨论……………………………………………………………078
  五 结论……………………………………………………………………………………083
7 第五章 城镇就业、非农就业与城市化 ………………………………………王美艳/085
  一 城镇就业与城市化水平的关系………………………………………………………086
  二 城镇就业与城市化水平预测…………………………………………………………091
  三 劳动力供给能否满足城市化带来的城镇就业增长的需求…………………………094
  四 非农就业与城市化水平的关系………………………………………………………096
  五 主要结论………………………………………………………………………………100
8 第六章 劳动力市场转变条件下的自然失业率变化及其含义 …………都阳 陆旸/103
  一 引言……………………………………………………………………………………103
  二 劳动力市场转变与失业性质的变化…………………………………………………106
  三 中国自然失业率的水平………………………………………………………………108
  四 观察菲利普斯曲线……………………………………………………………………116
  五 治理失业的政策建议…………………………………………………………………118
9 第七章 中等收入国家的就业特征与“十二五”期间的就业政策 ………曲玥/121
  一 中等收入国家与就业弹性……………………………………………………………121
  二 相似发展阶段的参照——中等收入时期的日本……………………………………124
  三 相似中等收入时期的就业弹性——日本的情况……………………………………130
  四 对“十二五”期间就业弹性的讨论…………………………………………………134
10 第八章 就业弹性变化及其对“十二五”期间就业政策的含义………屈小博/138
  一 就业弹性变化的讨论及其解释………………………………………………………138
  二 对就业弹性的判断与统计认识的误区………………………………………………144
  三 对“十二五”期间就业政策的启示…………………………………………………147
11 第九章 “十二五”期间就业的产业结构变动与区域转移…………… 吴要武/153
  一 非农就业增长迅速,新增就业越来越集中在城镇地区……………………………154
  二 对就业弹性的估计……………………………………………………………………156
  三 新增就业的数量与地区分布…………………………………………………………160
  四 劳动力迁移的地区变化………………………………………………………………167
  五 结论……………………………………………………………………………………169
12 第十章 工资增长、工资趋同与刘易斯转折点……………………   蔡昉 都阳   173
  一 导言……………………………………………………………………………………173
  二 普通劳动者工资的提高趋势…………………………………………………………175
  三 劳动力市场上的工资趋同……………………………………………………………178
  四 结语和政策含义………………………………………………………………………185
13 第十一章 农民工收入水平与变化:基于不同来源数据的估计
  ……………………………………………………………………张展新 赵文 王桥/191
  一 流出地法调查数据……………………………………………………………………192
  二 流入地法调查数据……………………………………………………………………194
  三 一个市域调查:宁波外来农民工的空间分布和收入特征…………………………198
  四 外来农民工与本地劳动者的收入差距………………………………………………200
  五 总结与思考……………………………………………………………………………203
14 第十二章 劳动力市场深化改革与城乡分割体制终结………张展新 侯慧丽/206
  一 城乡分割体制和初期改革冲击………………………………………………………208
  二 深化劳动力市场改革的重大举措……………………………………………………210
  三 新世纪深化改革的意义………………………………………………………………214
  四 城市层面和社区层面的“本地-外来”分割 ………………………………………216
  五 户籍身份不平等的下降趋势…………………………………………………………221
  六 结论与思考……………………………………………………………………………224
15 第十三章 农村劳动力流动对城乡居民收入差距统计的影响
  ………………………………………………………………… 高文书 赵文 程杰/228
  一 城镇住户调查难以涵盖举家进城农民工……………………………………………229
  二 农村住户调查中家庭外出从业成员收入难以调查…………………………………233
  三 城市住户调查遗漏了大量应调查进城农民工………………………………………236
  四 城乡居民收入差距的再估计…………………………………………………………239
  五 总结和讨论……………………………………………………………………………241
16 第十四章 户籍制度改革与城乡社会福利制度统筹…………………………    蔡昉/243
  一 引言……………………………………………………………………………………243
  二 作为经济体制转轨的户籍制度改革…………………………………………………245
  三 刘易斯转折点与改革激励……………………………………………………………248
  四 新一轮户籍制度改革…………………………………………………………………251
  五 总结与政策建议………………………………………………………………………255



                                                                       Ⅰ Part One
1 Special Report One New Generation of Migrant Workers:
            Number, Structure and Characteristics
        .... Project Team on “New Generation of Migrant Workers”/001
  1. Number and Structure of New Generation of Migrant Workers ........./002
  2. Employment Characteristics of New Generation of Migrant Workers .../007
  3. Living Conditions of New Generation of Migrant Workers ............/010
  4. Main Problems Faced by New Generation of Migrant Workers ........../011
  5. Policy Implications .............................................../016
2 Special Report Two Increase of Migrant Workers and Their Wage Growth
            ......... National Rural Fixed Site Survey Office /018
  1. Increase of Number of Migrant Workers ............................./018
  2. Stable Population Structure of Migrant Workers ..................../019
  3. Increase of Proportion of Inter-Provincial Migrant Workers ......../019
  4. Stable Employment Structure of Migrant Workers ..................../020
  5. Number of Days Staying Outside of Rural Migrant Workers
    Kept at the Same Level as Last Year ............................../020
  6. Continuous Wage Growth of Migrant Workers with
    Decreasing Growth Rate .........................................../021
Ⅱ Part Two
3 Chapter 1 Five Challenges of China’s Economic Development
       during the 12th Five-Year Plan Period ............. Cai Fang/023
  1. “Aging before Affluence” ......................................../024
  2. “Mezzogiorno Trap” ............................................../026
  3. “Knowledge is Useless” ........................................../029
  4. “Relying on Protection” ........................................./031
  5. “Growing Pains” ................................................./032
4 Chapter 2 How Will China’s Demographic Transition Impact
       Its Economic Development during the 12th
       Five-Year Plan Period? ............................ Cai Fang/036
  1. Introduction ....................................................../036
  2. The Lewis Turning Point .........................................../039
  3. Challenges of Population Aging ..................................../044
  4. Policy Adjustments and Choices ..................................../048
  5. Conclusions ......................................................./053
5 Chapter 3 The New Elements of Chinese Labor Market
       ...................................... Cai Fang, Wang Meiyan/056
  1. Demographic Transition and the Generational Changes
    of Migrant Workers .............................................../057
  2. The Lewis Turning Point and Wage Growth .........................../062
  3. The “Creative Destruction”of China’s Manufacturing ............./065
  4. The Development of Labor Market Institutions ....................../067
6 Chapter 4 Number and Structure of China’s Employment:
       Re-estimates and Discussions .......... Du Yang, Wang Meiyan/070
  1. Introduction ....................................................../070
  2. Overestimation of Number of Agricultural Employment
    and Re-estimates ................................................./072
  3. The Statistical Bias of Urban Employment and Re-estimates ........./075
  4. Discussions on Number of Employment and its Structure ............./078
  5. Conclusions ......................................................./083
7 Chapter 5 Urban Employment, Non-agricultural Employment
       and Urbanization ............................... Wang Meiyan/085
  1. The Relationship between Urban Employment and Urbanization ......../086
  2. Forecast on Urban Employment and Urbanization ...................../091
  3. Can Labor Supply Meet the Demand of Urban Employment
    Growth Brought by Urbanization? ................................../094
  4. The Relationship between Non-agricultural Employment
    and Urbanization ................................................./096
  5. Main Conclusions ................................................../100
8 Chapter 6 Changes of China’s Natural Unemployment Rate
       and Its Implications ...................... Du Yang, Lu Yang/103
  1. Introduction ....................................................../103
  2. Changes of China’s Labor Market and Changes of Unemployment Nature/106
  3. The Level of China’s Natural Unemployment Rate .................../108
  4. Examination on Phillips Curve ...................................../116
  5. Policy Suggestions on Tackling Unemployment ......................./118
9 Chapter 7 The Employment Features of Middle-income
       Countries and Employment Policies during
       the 12th Five-Year Plan Period ...................... Qu Yue/121
  1. Middle-income Countries and Employment Elasticity ................./121
  2. The Reference of Similar Development Stage-Japan
    during Middle-income Period ....................................../124
  3. Employment Elasticity of Japan during Similar Development Stage .../130
  4. Discussions on China’s Employment Elasticity during
    the 12th Five-Year Plan Period .................................../134
10 Chapter 8 Changes of Employment Elasticity and
       Its Implications to the Employment Policy
       during the 12th Five-Year Plan Period ............ Qu Xiaobo/138
  1. Discussions and Explanations on Employment Elasticity ............./138
  2. How to Look at Studies on China’s Employment Elasticity? ........./144
  3. Implications to the Employment Policy during
    the 12th Five-Year Plan Period .................................../147
11 Chapter 9 The Industrial Structure Changes of Employment and
        Regional Transfer during the 12th Five-Year Plan Period
        ................................................. Wu Yaowu/153
  1. Rapid Increase of Non-agricultural Employment and
    the Concentration of New Jobs in Urban Areas ...................../154
  2. Estimation on Employment Elasticity .............................../156
  3. Number and Regional Distribution of New Jobs ....................../160
  4. Regional Changes of Labor Migration .............................../167
  5. Conclusions ......................................................./169
12 Chapter 10 Wages Growth, Wages Convergence, and
        Lewis Turning Point in China ........... Cai Fang, Du Yang/173
  1. Introduction ....................................................../173
  2. The Increasing Trend of Wages for Unskilled Labor ................./175
  3. Wage Convergence on the Labor Market ............................../178
  4. Conclusions and Policy Suggestions ................................/185
13 Chapter 11 Rural Migrant Workers’Income Level and Its
        Changes-Estimates Based on Data fromDifferent Sources
        .................... Zhang Zhanxin, Zhao Wen and Wang Qiao/191
  1. Sample Data Collected in Sending Areas ............................/192
  2. Sample Data Collected in Receiving Areas ........................../194
  3. A Survey in An Urban Area-Spatial Distribution and Income
    Characteristics of Rural Migrant Workers to Ningbo .............../198
  4. Income Inequality between Rural Migrant Workers and Local Residents/200
  5. Summary and Discussions .........................................../203
14 Chapter 12 Intensified Reform of Labor Market and
        the Abolishment of Rural-Urban Divide
        ................................. Zhang Zhanxin, Hou Huili/206
  1. The System of Rural-Urban Divide and the Early Reform Impact On It /208
  2. Strategic Measures to Intensify Labor Market Reform .............../210
  3. The Significance of the Reform in the First Decade of
    the New Millennium .............................................../214
  4. Local-Migrant Segmentations in the City Level and
    the Community Level ............................................../216
  5. Diminishing Inequality of Hukou Status ............................/221
  6. Conclusions and Discussions ......................................./224
15 Chapter 13 The Impact of Rural Labor’s Migration on Income
        Gap Statistics of Rural and Urban Residents
        ....................... Gao Wenshu, Zhao Wen and Cheng Jie/228
  1. The Difficulties of Covering Migration Families
    in the Urban Resident Household Survey .........................../229
  2. The Difficulties to Collect the Income Information of
    Out-migrant Members in Rural Resident Households ................./233
  3. Considerable Missing of Rural Migrant Labors
    in the Urban Resident Household Survey .........................../236
  4. Re-estimating the Income Gap between Rural and Urban Residents ..../239
  5. Conclusions and Discussions ......................................./241
16 Chapter 14 Hukou System Reform and Unification of
        Rural-urban Social Welfare ...................... Cai Fang/243
  1. Introduction ....................................................../243
  2. Hukou System Reform as Institutional Transition .................../245
  3. Lewis Turning Point and Reform Incentives ........................./248
  4. New Wave of Hukou System Reform .................................../251
  5. Conclusions and Policy Suggestions ................................/255

