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文章作者:王延中  发布时间:2003-03-16 15:14:16

摘要: 本文根据对北京、上海和苏州三个试点城市及其他10余个城市实施积极劳动政策的调查及国际比较 ,初步评估了中国实施积极劳动政策尤其是针对国有企业下岗职工的创业扶持政策的成效得失。文章认为 ,中国在特殊背景下实施积极劳动政策的是必要的 ,效果也是比较显著的 ,但随着劳动就业形势的变化 ,对积极劳动政策的实施效果有必要进行认真的评估 ,并在此基础上进行适当的调整。

关键词: 积极劳动政策; 创业扶持; 效果评估; 政策建议


The Execution of China’s Positive Policies of Labor

Abstract: Grounded on the survey made in the three experimental cities of Beijing,Shanghai and Suzhou and other ten cities where positive labor policy has been carried out,and on international comparison,this paper will make a preliminary estimate for the merits,demerits and effect of the said policy,especially the policy of governmental support given to the unemployed who worked in national enterprises for them to find a new job or to start a new business.In our opinion,although it is necessary to employ positive labor policy under the special circumstances in China and the result is noticeably good,it is also essential,with the change in situation in employment,to earnestly evaluate the result of this policy,and on this ground to adjust it in due course.
