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文章作者:王延中  发布时间:2010-04-30 10:54:54

摘要: 本文在分析医疗卫生服务、医保基金、参保人群三方相互关系基础上,论述了理顺医保基金与卫生服务两大体系之间相互关系的必要性和重要性。文章根据国际上卫生服务与医疗保障管理体制的发展变革趋势,提出应该重视"一手托两家"的体制建设,促使卫生服务体系与医疗保障制度更好地满足患者的需要和时代的要求。

关键词: 卫生服务; 医疗保障; 管理体制; 趋势; 启示


International trends on health care delivery system and health insurance system and its implication to China

Abstract: This paper gives the general picture of the mutual triangle relationship among health care delivery system,health care fund and patients.Comparing the weak side of patients,the other two sides are much stronger,then it is very necessary and important to build the harmonious relations between health care delivery system and health care fund.There are some experiences in other countries how to build a sound relationship and China should pay much attention on the new trend.

Keywords: Health care; Health insurance; Management system; Trends; Implication

