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文章作者:郑真真; 周云  发布时间:2006-12-16 14:34:48

摘要: 目的:了解男性流动人口避孕套使用情况及其影响因素,以利于在流动人口中更加有效地推广和倡导安全性生活。方法:数据来自2004年在北京城区18~40岁流动男青年中开展的结构式问卷调查,885人的调查样本通过分层配额抽样得到。结果:流动人口的避孕套曾用率较高,避孕套的使用与年龄、婚姻状况、受教育程度、从事工作种类和掌握相关知识高度相关。结论:流动男青年中存在避孕套使用的潜在市场,应以多种方式并从不同渠道提供与他们相适宜的服务,以满足不同年龄、婚姻状况和就业人群的各种需求。

关键词: 流动人口; 避孕套; 影响因素


Condom Uses and Its Determinants of Male Migrants in Urban China

Abstract: Objective: To understand condom uses among single and married migrants and its determinants to facilitate safe sexual life among migrants. Methods: Data was from a questionnaire survey among 18-40 years old migrant males in urban Beijing in 2004 by a stratified quota sampling with a sample size of 885. Results: Proportion of ever used condoms was high among the migrants. Condom uses were highly related to age, marital status, educational attainment, occupation, as well as related knowledges. Conclusion: The potential market of condom is large among migrants, so multiple ways of service providing should be implemented to meet various needs of groups in different age, marital status, and with different occupations.

Key words: Migrants Condom Determinants

